One more chore off my lists!

originally posted July 7, 2013
May 2021: reformatted; all links updated; text revised as noted

So, I’ve finally finished updating my new website, and  this  is it!  After two life-changing decisions—moving to Raleigh in January to return to work at the state Museum of History and deciding to re-establish my editorial services business—several lists of chores followed.  Getting a website back online was near the top, of course, but it just kept sliding from the top.

Today, however, I am proud to announce that I’ve finished fine-tuning most of the pages and that I feel confident enough to announce they’re ready for review.  So, take a tour and let me know if you find any mistakes, major or minor.  I still have a couple of pages to post, including a payments page and the “‘instant’ help” page, so you can skip those—I’ll announce when they are ready—but, as they say, have at the rest!

One of the delays in getting a presence back online was the debate over continuing to use an HTML-based website or following the industry and moving to a content management system (CMS).  I finally opted to switch and to use WordPress (which I’ve used for years as my blogging platform) for this version of my website.  In addition, I decided to promote my blog address, “anEditor’s Blog,” to serve as my home on the web instead of reviving the old “the-freelance-editor” URL I’d been using since the late ’90s.  In line with those decisions, I will, however, be keeping my formal business name as the-freelance-editor.  Enough change is enough!

Key to the new site are my specialty pages  (you can access them with “Why use a freelance editor?” on the main menu bar, then sliding down to “My specialties” and hovering for the page line-up  or  by using the more-standard menu list at the bottom of the page; or, you can be lazy and simply click the following links)  for the so-called divisions of the-freelance-editor:  the-blog-editorthe-history-editorthe-young-adult-editor,  and  the-freelance-ghostwriter.  I’ll be adding more detailed sub-pages under them eventually, but these get the point across for now.

I guess the race has begun!  Thank you, all, for your patience and continuing support.  And, let me hear about those errors—you know I’d let you know about yours!

e-mail: editorial –at– Im Your Editor –dot– com
text: 832-233-0041


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UPDATE:  If you read closely, you’ll no doubt notice how wording for the-freelance-editor website evolved from 1997, or so, through the above unveiling of my first WordPress site, to this most recent unveiling after our 2020–2021 redo; eternal thanks to Carl Johnson—who was then at the Chapel Hill Herald–and Bill Owens—then, editor at the North Carolina Historical Review—for their initial input and “critical expression” in helping to craft much of the original language in 1997—most of it, in one form or another, still use on this site. Note that, with our current site, the-freelance-editor went back to its original home on the web, which moved our new jumping-off page to current specialties.

image information: This was part of the-freelance-editor home page from about 2013 to about 2020.