I am the-freelance-editor and, if I’m lucky, you and I have the same two goals!
As a professional freelance editor (which means my services are for hire by any person or organization that needs them), my goal, and the goal of my team, is to collaborate with you—the author, the originator, the content writer—to reach your ultimate goals:
1 to say what you want to say
to the audience you want to reach and
2 to have your readers concentrate
on your message, not your mistakes.
An editor? Why?
Because you DO publish! These days (especially in our fast-paced technology-centered “cubes”), nearly all of us are responsible for getting words and information ready for publication! An interesting statement, you say? Read “Why use a freelance editor?” to see what I mean . . .
Our team at the-freelance-editor can be your professional wordsmiths—whether you need temporary help, occasional assistance, or long-term commitment.
So, get in touch—you won’t know how I can help until you do!
How could the-freelance-editor possibly assist you and your team?
A common question. Let us explain some of our services so you can decide how for yourself . . .
Do you have your own business? It doesn’t matter to us whether you’re a home-based business or a small business that cannot justify the expense of employing an editor or if you’re part of a larger business or corporation that needs an extra editorial eye or organizational hand once in a while—we’re here either way.

We know about business,
small and large.Do you create the types of publications (including signage) that are specific to a museum, a historic site, or another location where tourists might want to know about you and your area?

Even convention and
visitors bureaus and chambers of commerce need help occasionally—or as part of an ongoing contract—and we know that from experience.Do you operate a theater or some other event space where changes are constant? Let us help out with program and show notes, historical comments, cast and crew biographies, and acknowledgment or sponsor credits.

So you can do
what you do best.Are you an educator? We’ve helped create word puzzles, activity sheets, guided-reading worksheets, review questions, and an assortment of activities and educational materials based on current studies.

We help teachers at all
levels—and all over the country!Do you write? Maybe novels, short stories, mysteries, romances, or historical fiction? What about general nonfiction, textbooks, or biographies? Screen plays?

Let me tell you about
the character in one draft I edited who was driving a 1986 Toyota on page 72 and a 1993 Datsun on page 147 . . . (You’re right: more than a contradiction, that statement has one other problem—congratulations if you know it!)Do you want to pass on your life lessons and your memories? No one should have to write a family history, biography, or genealogy by themselves—the job is more meticulous and complicated than you know!

But everyone should
save their memories in some way.Do you run a restaurant? Then, you probably need help plotting and writing procedure manuals; originating and publishing newsletters; reviewing menu text; and maybe writing copy for brochures and other collateral, web pages, and updates for social media posts.

See? You had no idea
we could do that, did you?Do you publish a newsletter
or a magazine? For starters, we can help develop production timelines and schedules, identify author and reviewer subteams, and collect and organize bibliographies and resources for background research.

And that’s way
before the fun starts!Did we miss your type of business or area of need? Well, at least you get the idea—maybe now you see how the-freelance-editor and our team can help you and your team!

It never hurts to ask—
we try to make that part painless!Specially focused divisions of the-freelance-editor include . . .

Short on funding, staff, hours? We’ve been there! Let our team work with your team, to enable your plans and help you accomplish more of your goals.
Personally, my knowledge of American history has helped me serve as historical editor and even ghostwriter on several projects. Let our team help your efforts at personal history, including family histories and business history, as well as history-themed nonfiction or history-based fiction.

Your message reflects on your reputation and the quality of your idea, your product, your firm. Let’s work together to make sure your blog’s message, and the message you want to convey in every blog or social media post, is clear and to the point.
From site plans to content to presentation, website design and maintenance has not gotten easier over the years. But our team can help with some of the details—and that will be potential savings when you head to the designer.

Along with history, much of the work we do at the-freelance-editor provides editorial services for young adult readers. That’s not totally surprising when you realize that the vocabulary, grammar, logic, and presentation considerations for that level can be read, understood, and processed by all general audiences.
Our team consists of experienced members who can take your notes and scribbles, your written work, your comments—or a new interview—then transform them, with just a little polish (so they are still your words) into what you wanted to say all along. That’s true collaboration!

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