paying for editorial services
This should go without saying, but timely payment is appreciated! Your team at the-freelance-editor also accepts donations for use as noted below. Looking for a gift card for a writer you know? We can even help with that . . .
I’ve tried to make this difficult part of the process as easy for you as possible and have used the following methods of payment for many, many years without problems. Let me know, though, if you do experience any challenges.
Payment methods
1 Payment for services can always be made by check or money order (in $US) and mailed to the-freelance-editor. If you prefer this method of payment, contact the-freelance-editor for details.
2 If you prefer to pay with plastic, please process your payment through this secure link at PayPal.com (you do not have to have a PayPal account to pay by credit card or ATM/debit card; note that the PayPal window replaces this screen but you should be redirected to our website after completion). Simply enter the amount you wish to pay (either in full or in part, as we’ve agreed) in the “item price” box; add a brief description or identifier; then, click the “update” or “continue” button—you should now be able to make your payment.
Note: This link may not open in a new window; if not,
use the back arrow in your browser to return to this page.
As an alternative to PayPal, you may
pay any amount due with credit or debit card
through Stripe. Or,
pay in $50 increments through Square.
3 First Citizens Bank (headquartered in Raleigh, North Carolina; and, online at FirstCitizens.com), which currently holds our business accounts, also accepts Zelle® payments. If your online bank or digital banking app allows payments via Zelle, you can pay the-freelance-editor through our email address: ed*******@Im**********.com.
4 If you have accounts with First Citizens Bank (headquartered in Raleigh, North Carolina; and, online at FirstCitizens.com), you may transfer payments directly from your account to my business account. If you prefer this method of payment, contact me for details.
5 For our international clients, the-freelance-editor is registered with Payoneer, which allows you to pay for services with a credit or debit card in your local currency—without having to convert funds into USD or pay conversion fees on your end. We can currently accept such payments from European Union (EUR); United Kingdom (GBP); Japan (JPY); Australia (AUD); Canada (CAD); Hong Kong (HKD); and Singapore (SGD), in addition to the United States (USD), and we can add other countries (and currencies) as needed. If you are not registered as a Payoneer client (and do not want to be), we can bill you with an invoice that links you to their payment module. If you are a registered Payoneer user, the “beneficiary name” you will need is Stephen Evans; Freelance Library Services dba the freelance editor. Note that some countries will not allow credit or debit card payments, and some countries only allow direct payments from business entities, not individuals.
6 Lastly, if none of these options fits your needs or practices, you may contact the-freelance-editor directly to discuss other payment options or payment alternatives.
And, thanks!
I truly appreciate your business. But, remember, if you are really not satisfied, I do have that 100% guarantee for you to fall back on. Assuming that you won’t need to take that route, I invite you, instead, to please remember me with a shirt, a mug, or a pencil—or to show your appreciation with a note taped to your monitor (to remind you to call me again next time).
Most importantly: keep writing! That way, I can look forward to helping you again in the future—that is, most of you!
Gift cards!
As a trial, the-freelance-editor is offering gift cards. So, in addition to our promotional merchandise, you can now remember us and support our efforts by paying ahead—choose from several designs and any quantity from $1 to $2,000—on your next project or to help out a friend in need of our services.
(Gift cards are powered by Square.)
By the way . . .
You may not have known that the-freelance-editor occasionally takes on clients who rightfully deserve editorial services but cannot afford to pay for as much work as they need. I also sponsor editorial interns as I can. If you would like to help underwrite or support either of these causes, I invite you to contribute what you can with the link below:
Note: This link may not open in a new window; if not,
use the back arrow in your browser to return to this page.
As an alternative to PayPal, you can
process your donation by credit or debit card through
Stripe or Square.
We’ll all thank you as your funds are used. Thank you.
At the-freelance-editor, we work with you—the author, the originator,
the content writer—and your team, to help you say what you want to say to the audience you want to reach.
So, get in touch—you won’t know how we can help you and your team until you do!
If you still have questions or concerns after exploring our site or if you’re ready to see how we can work together to reach your goals, contact us—whenever you’re ready.
You’ve found
the online home of
As a professional freelance
editor (which means my services
are for hire by any person or
organization that needs them),
my goal, and the goal of my team,
is to collaborate with
you—the author, the originator,
the content writer—to reach your
ultimate goals:
(1) to say what you want to say
to the audience you want to reach
(2) to have your readers
concentrate on your message,
not your mistakes.
So, get in touch—you won’t
know how we can help you and
your team until you do!
contact us
by form
or email or text, or
some other standard method
by facebook messenger
by tweet
via LinkedIn
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