originally posted August 13, 2007
May 2021: reformatted; some links eliminated, others updated; text revised as needed
I’ve missed you! The months of May, June, July, and now almost half of August have slipped by without any new posts. I would apologize, but the business world is full of apologies and you just don’t need to hear another one! The truth is that I’ve been busy with several big projects that have not allowed me to take time for this blog.
First of all, the design and SEO company that I hired shortly after New Years Day finished with the third-generation of my primary website. They are still working on revising the search engine optimization (SEO) part of the site, but I took several days in May and June to replace the older headers and tags that the designers had removed. The old ones had been doing a pretty good job and they did still match the existing text; revisions would likely have required some rewriting of text on the site—a project I don’t have time for in the foreseeable future. Please take a few minutes to visit and let me know how you like the new look.
While working on that site in May and June, I was offered a banner advertisement in the “Museum Marketplace” section of the American Association of Museums (AAM) website. The offer was too good to refuse, so I worked for another several days rebuilding my old landing page for the museum division so the ad would have something attractive to link to at anEditorForMuseums.com. I’m rather fond of the result—both the ad and the web page!
Also in June, I began serving as group leader for the local Orlando Area Writers Group of the Florida Writers Association. That transition involved setting up a new WordPress blog and an e-mailing system with FeedBlitz, as well as the need for me to meet local writers and prospects for speakers. You may not think that sounds like too much work, but with most of my clients and contacts being scattered elsewhere in the United States and around the globe, I haven’t ever concentrated on soliciting local people.
In early July, I was notified that the pictorial history of Orlando (for which I signed on as ghostwriter but ended up as author and local project manager) had finally been published. Orlando Then and Now was released by Thunder Bay Books at the end of July, resulting in a few book signing sessions and several e-mails from current and former residents—pretty good publicity. (Though I don’t get any royalties, so don’t rush out to buy it!)
Finally, for much of July and August, I’ve been working on opening a new division of the-freelance-editor, as well as an entirely new company—which I’m not at liberty to announce yet.
So, you see, I haven’t just disappeared, even if this blog site did a convincing job of relaying that message. All I can say is that I’ll try to do better . . . at least by September.
image information: This was part of the-freelance-editor home page from sometime in 2006 to about 2012.