How can I help with a personal history?

originally posted September 18, 2013
May 2021: reformatted; text revised as noted

My father and I have different talents, preferences, and passions when it comes to researching and recording family history:  he does genealogy;  I do personal history and family history.  In other words, in my mind, at least, he does the bones (or the  … continue reading

The art of the rag

originally posted August 17, 2013
May 2021: reformatted; some text revised as needed

I don’t know if that raised your eyebrows or not, but unless you are an instructional designer you may not have known what “the rag” is. In simple terms, in publishing, the rag is the uneven, or ragged, edge of a block  … continue reading

Fast lives, small screens, short fiction

originally posted March 2, 2013
May 2021: reformatted; some links updated; text revised as noted

In eras gone by, writing short-form fiction (novellas and novelettes, short stories, and flash fiction pieces) was a common stepping stone for authors who needed to prove themselves and find audiences. Assisting in their goals, plenty of digests and magazines,  … continue reading

“Ten ways to save the publishing industry”: from the Guardian

originally posted October 28, 2012
May 2021: reformatted; no text revisions to date

For several days, now, I’ve been thinking about an article/commentary that appeared in the October 12, 2012, online version of the Manchester Guardian, “Ten ways to save the publishing industry.” Crafted by experienced publisher Colin Robinson, the article has  … continue reading