Gutenberg is not my friend

originally posted May 30, 2020; 
May 2021: reformatted; no text revisions to date— 

As I have probably mentioned elsewhere, I am no expert to web designing (I create just a couple of sites each year); I am a self-taught, mid-level, occasional but longtime webmaster of small to medium sites for small businesses and nonprofits. My  … continue reading

And, a few months . . .

originally posted May 30, 2020; 
May 2021: reformatted; no text revisions to date— 

. . . later, here we are! For the most part, I’ve been busy transferring my old website ( to this new spot at—updating and revising text, checking and correcting information, and adding a wee bit o’ spit-n-polish. Please let  … continue reading

How can I help with a personal history?

originally posted September 18, 2013
May 2021: reformatted; text revised as noted

My father and I have different talents, preferences, and passions when it comes to researching and recording family history:  he does genealogy;  I do personal history and family history.  In other words, in my mind, at least, he does the bones (or the  … continue reading