Social media roadblocks and scores!

originally posted August 21, 2021; 
no text revisions to date— 

After recent frustrations with another major update to Facebook’s business platform, the-freelance-editor team has decided to reevaluate its selection of social media outlets and to redetermine its participation in each. Our main decision, then—though some materials will continue to post there automatically—involves a move away  … continue reading

Website images: SEO and WordPress

originally posted July 9, 2021; 
no text revisions to date— 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and use of keywords and phrases often enters consideration when writing web page text or content for a blog post. But, it should also be a planned part of selecting, preparing, and posting online images—that’s right: with improvements to the abilities  … continue reading

Image file formats for web use

originally posted July 9, 2021; 
no text revisions to date— 

The information in this post is just one part of a larger, more in-depth look at Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, for images (not videos) to be used online. As part of that discussion, the-website-editor divided the process into these following steps:

file formats and  … continue reading

Website images: file size and “lazy loading”

originally posted July 9, 2021; 
no text revisions to date— 

As you know by now, unless you’ve just arrived at this post out of the blue, the information in this post is just one part of a larger, more in-depth look at Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, for images (not videos) to be used online.  … continue reading