Thank you for visiting the-freelance-editor for help with outlining/organizing, ghostwriting, editing/proofreading, researching/fact-checking, and manual indexing.

Thank you for contacting our team at the-freelance-editor. We look forward to seeing how we can collaborate with members of your team!

Under normal circumstances, a member of our team will respond to your comment or inquiry within 24 to 36 hours. However, if you’ve indicated this is an emergency job that needs to be rushed, someone will be in contact as soon as possible.

If you have scheduled a phone consultation, the-freelance-editor will be in touch to verify your consultation time or to check about rescheduling. You will then be contacted by phone on the date and time you choose.

In the meantime, feel free to email us, as well: editorial -at- ImYourEditor -dot- com if you get anxious to hear from us OR if doing so just helps soothe your nerves!

the-freelance-editor, and the team we put together for you, will work
with you to help you say what you want to say to the audience you want to reach.

If you still have questions or concerns after exploring our site or if you’re ready to
see how we can work together to reach your goals, contact me today.

You’ve found
the online home of
As a professional freelance
editor (which means my services
are for hire by any person or
organization that needs them),
my goal is to work with 
you—the author, the originator,
the content writer—to reach your
ultimate goals: 

(1) to say what you want to say
to the audience you want to reach

(2) to have your readers
concentrate on your message,
not your mistakes. 

So, get in touch—you won’t
know how I can help until you do!

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