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First, you probably don’t know that we are in the process of segmenting our mailing list so that we can distribute information that is better targeted, and perhaps better suited, to your needs. If this is your reason for unsubscribing, please use our contact form to let us know which of the following audiences would provide the information you need (feel free to add other options, too):
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Lastly, remember that our plans do not include shutting down any time soon, so we expect to be here for the foreseeable future! That said, you’ll be welcome back if you need our services any time.
Thank you for giving the-freelance-editor a chance to advance your writing needs.
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The team at the-freelance-editor.com strives to work
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However, if we’ve disappointed you in some way, or if you have comments, questions, or concerns you would like to share directly, do not hesitate to contact one of us today.
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