Thank you for visiting the-freelance-editor for help with outlining/organizing, ghostwriting, editing/proofreading, researching/fact-checking, and manual indexing.

references and affiliations

Over the past few decades, I’ve earned praise in the form of customer comments and in the support of repeat clients—those who keep coming back for more are the most appreciated to me, of course.

But, as a potential client, you are likely more interested in comments and references. Below are a few that I cherish because I feel they sum up what is important to me—and to the team at the-freelance-editor . . .

“Thank you so much for your advice and guidance. . . . You helped me . . . through it all, by answering dozens (if not hundreds) of questions. You really helped make this . . . a reality.”

“Congratulations . . . Teachers and students both will have plenty of material to engage their curiosity and provoke further questioning and thought. I am pleased [you were] associated with this issue.”

“Stephen’s strengths included his willingness to . . . pitch in on short deadlines at short notice. He was an effective copyeditor and proofreader; without his assistance in these areas, we would not have made our deadlines.”

“Thank you, again, for your help. . . . The printed materials, the tangible items that will [remain] in the future, are testimony to a creative, accurate, and professional print committee. Thank you for being a part of that committee.”

“Well, I could not resist reading through the paper. Not touching it for a week [like you advised] would be like asking a mother not to touch her newborn baby for a week (I suppose). . . . It reads very well and I can tell . . . you’re enjoying the project. That’s encouraging, since the whole purpose of the thing is to provide folks with something to enjoy!”

“I am . . . indebted and deeply grateful to my diligent and gifted editor. . . . I know he had a difficult challenge in working with a novice. I also asked Stephen not to alter the language in the text as the diction is peculiar to my culture and my time. With his sharp eye and his love of editing, he helped me organize my thoughts and say what I meant to say. His skill and quiet wisdom are all that any writer could ever want in an editor.”

“I appreciate all that you [did] for me. I wouldn’t consider taking on projects like this travel piece without you—you make me look good!”

I thank these clients for their appreciation and support, and I look forward to posting comments from you!  You can find additional recommendations on my LinkedIn profile page—or question some current and former associates for yourself!

Professional Affiliations

Another consideration for you, as you weigh my qualifications for serving as your editor for hire, is the network of advisers and specialists I’ve managed to put together—one result of working in an industry for a number of years.

Because of these professional connections, I have the ability to refer you to someone I can recommend when necessary for advice and information, often at discounted rates or no cost at all.  In addition, many of these agencies (which I’ve broken down into two categories, below) have resources on their websites that might also help you.

I try to keep these links and descriptions up to date—because I do my best to follow the agencies myself, to stay updated on changes to practices and to wording and usage (yes, they do change over time)—but if you catch a bad or outdated link before I do, please let me know.  Likewise, if you discover a helpful organization I have not listed, let me know that, as well—if they’ve helped you, they’ll likely be able to help someone else.

the-freelance-editor, and the team we put together for you, will work
with you to help you say what you want to say to the audience you want to reach.

If you still have questions or concerns after exploring our site  or  if you’re
ready to see how we can work together to reach your goals, contact us
whenever you’re ready.


You’ve found
the online home of
As a professional freelance
editor (which means my services
are for hire by any person or
organization that needs them),
my goal, and the goal of my team,
is to collaborate with 
you—the author, the originator,
the content writer—to reach your
ultimate goals: 

(1) to say what you want to say
to the audience you want to reach

(2) to have your readers
concentrate on your message,
not your mistakes. 

So, get in touch—you won’t
know how we can help you and
your team until you do!

contact us

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or email or text, or
some other standard method

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