“The what?” you ask . . . Yes, a gay editor. A proud and active member of the L.G.B.T.Q.Q.I.A.+. or LGBTQQIP2sAA or LGBTQIA* (or whatever your preferred terminology) community—without question. Or attitude. Or insinuation. Or innuendo. Or even a gasp!
Sure, a good editor is a good editor—I mean, I’ve edited a manual on breastfeeding, an inspirational book to help women cope with traveling spouses, and a collection of therapeutic poems by a manic depressive whose husband had killed himself. And it never mattered that I was a man!
I’ve also assisted authors of children’s books, memoir writers, and nonfiction experts; and, it didn’t matter that I wasn’t a parent, didn’t have many years behind me, or lacked credentials in a particular field.
But I have had instances when I could tell an author was not being totally true to their writing because they didn’t think they could be totally honest.
Did it matter?
No, the fact that someone was writing a gay or lesbian or bisexual or transgender love story did not matter to me—as I said, a good editor can edit anything that fits into his or her realm of material. But the fact that a writer was not aware I was gay at the beginning of the editorial process did seem to make a difference to them.
Which is why I decided to start “the-gay-editor” division of the-freelance-editor.com. In doing so, we all have the full deck of proverbial cards on the legendary table before any words are even spoken—my table is visible in the banner above: me with my husband! No secrets!
With the-gay-editor (formerly theGayEditor, by the way), you’ll be working with an editor who belongs to the community and knows the community—an editor who walked through verbal assaults and squirt-gun sprays (of who knows what) in the 1980s and who fought to continue operating The Gay Publishing Company until the “Great Recession” of 2007–2008 struck. You’ll be working with an editor who makes use of the leading industry references, but an editor who also knows his way around
- The Stylebook Supplement on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Terminology (a publication of the Association of LGBTQ Journalists, formerly known as NLGJA) and regularly consults updates to the
- GLAAD Media Reference Guide, two additional resources that are specific to our audiences.
Of course, we will, just naturally, incorporate plain old common sense and a lot of overall respect, too.
So, if you were waiting . . .
to find someone who can relate to your experiences, someone who will not intimidate you, or someone who will not judge you, you now have a place to turn—a place where you can feel comfortable that your writing will be respected, and appreciated.
But, you’ll never know what we can do for you if you never ask us or tell us what you’re thinking—let’s get started . . .
the-gay-editor is a division of
the-freelance-editor.com, where we work
with our clients— you or your team—to help them
say what they want to say to the audience they want to reach.
If you still have questions or concerns after
exploring our site or if you’re ready to see how
we can work together to reach your goals, contact us—whenever you’re ready.
other resources
statement on
discrimination and harassment
blog posts
from the-gay-editor
for fun and reference
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As a professional freelance
editor (which means my services
are for hire by any person or
organization that needs them),
my goal, and the goal of my team,
is to collaborate with
you—the author, the originator,
the content writer—to reach your
ultimate goals:
(1) to say what you want to say
to the audience you want to reach
(2) to have your readers
concentrate on your message,
not your mistakes.
So, get in touch—you won’t
know how we can help you and
your team until you do!
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