Social media roadblocks and scores!

originally posted August 21, 2021; 
no text revisions to date— 

After recent frustrations with another major update to Facebook’s business platform, the-freelance-editor team has decided to reevaluate its selection of social media outlets and to redetermine its participation in each. Our main decision, then—though some materials will continue to post there automatically—involves a move away  … continue reading

Terms and Conditions update

originally posted July 21, 2021; 
no text revisions to date— 

It’s taken several days, but an expanded version of the Terms and Conditions page for “the-freelance-editor”—(Freelance Library Services, dba the-freelance-editor) and all divisions of the-freelance-editor—is now live; we’ve also added a table of contents with links, to help users/visitors find sections more easily, and  … continue reading

anEditor’s Blog has been updated!

originally posted June 8, 2021; 
no text revisions to date— 

With completion of overhauling, the final chore of my return to full-time freelancing was to update formats and information on anEditor’s Blog—which was accomplished yesterday!

To tell the truth, updating each of the forty-eight posts I had made since 2006 was more  … continue reading

And, a few months . . .

originally posted May 30, 2020; 
May 2021: reformatted; no text revisions to date— 

. . . later, here we are! For the most part, I’ve been busy transferring my old website ( to this new spot at—updating and revising text, checking and correcting information, and adding a wee bit o’ spit-n-polish. Please let  … continue reading